logoBrume Logs
Don't trust, verify! This website will show you all Ethereum requests being made, by separating those coming from your IP address from those coming from the Tor network.
Setting up
If you don't use Brume, you can setup logging on your wallet by using our proxy RPC, which will send all Ethereum requests to Cloudflare's Ethereum RPC and log the IP address the request is coming from.
Just use the following RPC URL with chain ID 1:
You won't need to make an Ethereum transaction, your wallet already makes RPC requests when fetching your account balance.
Requests coming from your IP
When you use MetaMask and similar wallets, we can see your IP address and use it to get your location and link your different accounts.
Requests coming from Tor
When you use Brume, we can't see your IP address, we can only see the IP address of a Tor node, which is different for each of your accounts.